A Deck Integrated Fire-Fighting System (DIFFS) fitted on the deck of a superyacht or other vessel is a tried and tested method of delivering fire-fighting foam to a helicopter landing area on a shipboard heliport. It provides initial, swift fire suppression to improve the chances of survivability whilst heliport rescue firefighters deploy with additional directional firefighting media and equipment to carry out extrication and evacuation of helicopter passengers and aircrew.
However, traditional DIFFS operate by means of the several applicators rising centimetres above the heliport in order to dispense their primary firefighting media, thus creating a trip hazard for the heliport rescue firefighters whilst entering the fire scene and the passengers & aircrew are trying to escape to safety. Whilst DIFFS are a much recommended addition to any shipboard heliport, they are certainly not a panacea.
Our continued research and objective to enhance shipboard heliport safety, Maritime Aviation are pleased to announce their partnership with Marsol Technologies who are the manufacturer of certified and approved 'innovative non pop-up' DIFFS!

This great new technology offers:
Non pop-up applicator
360 degree coverage
Horizontal and vertical flow
No moving parts
No trip hazard
Explore our video to experience these non pop-up DIFFs supressing a running fuel fire on a heliport in 10 secs. (Be advised, that in order to make the scenario more challenging, the fire is left to develop to increase the temperature and flame reach to fully test the effectiveness of the non pop-up DIFFS) For more information email' supply@maritimeaviation.com.'
For more information email 'supply@maritimeaviation.com.'