Optonaval GmbH are the leading experts in engineered solutions for special lighting, and discrete surveillance. Their range of competencies assists mega yacht owners
and designers to find the most appropriate systems, be it for navigation lighting, retractable cameras or Helicopter Visual Landing Aid Systems (HVALS).

Involving OPTONAVAL, clients can rely on:
• Perfect combination of proven engineering
and cutting-edge technology.
• Innovation and customized solutions.
• Design in perfection.
• Competence in engineering, installation,
service and after-sales support
OPTONVAL provide engineering, production, installation and commissioning,
System responsibility:
Optonaval accepts responsibility for their whole package of systems and product installed on board Mega Yachts. Engineering, production, installation and commissioning (EPIC) remain in one hand.
Matching quality & innovation:
Each individual Optonaval product meets the highest demands in quality and function. Built with the latest in LED technology, revolutionary sensor and control systems.
Modernisation & refit:
Upgrades of Mega Yachts are facilitated by using Optonaval’s modular equipment. Flexibly integrated, design adopted to customer’s standards.
Dedicated to customer support
In case of problems Optonaval experts are available to analyse and solve it. Communication 24/7, prepared to assist on board wherever needed.

Download the OPTONAVAL brochure here
Alternatively, email Maritime Aviation at supply@maritimeaviation.com for more information.